
experts are already talking about a return to the Middle Ages

As the world grows and technology advances are optimized to improve living conditions, the global ...

The first artificial brain and the first superhumans born

Great powers, such as Japan and America, are not only great in the economic sense, ...

It cools your home by 40% and you can’t see it

Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important in the residential sector, and has a leading role ...

This technology translates animal speech for the first time

Charles Darwin, to whom we owe something as important as knowing who we come from, ...

How it does a quintillion operations per second

During the last few years, we have experienced a real expansion in artificial intelligence, which ...

4D comes to America, and it works like this

Major events in history, such as the London 2012 Olympics, brought 3D into the homes ...

This works with light, 1000 times faster and science-fictional

Technology advances so fast that sometimes we run out of time to find names for ...

0G exists, and it’s the only solution to prevent this imminent chaos

There are high expectations for the 6G and 5G, but the reality is that the ...

this thing you’ll be able to do is a danger feared by experts

Those who say that the smartphone of the future has already been invented, and that ...

It has population and idyllic landscapes

Experts are in shock at the discovery of what is already known as humanity’s eighth ...

It works in your garden and without electricity

For millennia, we have known how to heat food, and in the last century, we ...

How we are going to restore life on Earth

The extinction of animal species is a problem that occurs on all five continents, with ...

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