The construction megaproject that has Europe on tenterhooks: 1 billion dollars and bigger than a country

By Chanak Maduranga

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The construction megaproject that has Europe on tenterhooks: 1 billion dollars and bigger than a country
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In an ambitious infrastructure project, Europe is preparing to build the largest underwater tunnel in Europe, linking two major cities in the total length of the port area. This monumental construction will not only offer an unprecedented connection between the two points of the city, but also promises a number of advantages for its citizens.

A promising construction that offers a long list of benefits

Genoa’s underwater mega-tunnel will not only revolutionize transportation in the region, but will also mark the beginning of a comprehensive redevelopment plan. This project not only offers a solution to congestion and traffic problems, but also opens up new economic and social development opportunities for the city and its inhabitants.

In addition to improving mobility and connectivity, the Genoa underwater tunnel promises to boost port activity and facilitate trade, thus strengthening the local and regional economy. This state-of-the-art infrastructure is also expected to foster job creation and investment in key sectors, boosting the region’s growth and competitiveness.

Once completed, this ambitious project will not only improve the mobility of people and goods, but will also have a transformative impact on the urban environment by opening up space for up to 10 hectares of new green areas.

These areas will not only provide a green respite amidst the urban landscape, but will also promote the health and well-being of residents by providing spaces for recreation.

Reconstruction of the Morandi Viaduct in Genoa after the tragic loss in 2018

The reconstruction of the Morandi Viaduct, which tragically collapsed in 2018, marking one of the darkest moments in Genoa’s history, is being led by Italian concessionaire Autostrade per l’Italia (Aspi). This project represents not only the physical reconstruction of a vital structure, but also a commitment to the safety and well-being of citizens.

This ambitious project goes beyond simply restoring lost infrastructure; it also aims to pay tribute to the 43 lives lost in the disaster. The compensation work is not limited to just the physical reconstruction of the bridge, but also focuses on healing the emotional wounds of a community that was left isolated and displaced.

This crucial step on the road to recovery for the city of Genoa involves much more than simply rebuilding structures damaged by the disaster. It also seeks to revitalize the bond between the inhabitants and their environment, promoting solidarity and community collaboration.

What are the characteristic details of this infrastructure?

The tunnel construction project in Genoa, which will cover a length of 3.4 kilometers, will vitally connect the west and east sides of the city, operating at a considerable depth of 45 meters underground, surpassing in size cities such as Monaco, Liechtenstein and the Vatican City.

The realization of this project also promises to generate more than 5,000 additional jobs, which represents a significant opportunity for the local economy. Remarkably large, the tunnel will have an estimated diameter of an impressive 16 meters, making it the fourth largest of its kind in the world. The ambitious undertaking will require significant investment, with a projected total cost of €1 billion.

Once the tunnel is operational, it is expected to have a positive impact on the community, as it is projected to save citizens more than one million hours of travel time per year. In addition, from an environmental perspective, a beneficial effect is anticipated, as carbon emissions would be significantly reduced compared to road transport.

As you have seen, this mega construction project in Europe has everything to surprise the world, with the size of countries like the Vatican or Monaco, also on the same continent. What many have labeled as urban speculation will be a civil engineering challenge that will shorten transportation times and, consequently, reduce pollution caused by cars.

Chanak Maduranga

passionate journalist behind 'USA News Now 24', dedicated to delivering timely and accurate updates on US affairs. Committed to journalistic integrity and informing audiences with credible news coverage.

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